Friday, December 5, 2014

Updates 1.0

Life is crazy, and this blog gets updated pretty much when someone asks me if I still have a blog... Opps. I thought I would just share some of the latest pics over the last couple of months.
We got to go to the Michigan/Michigan state game this year.  I have not been back to East Lansing in forever! It was nice revisiting the old stomping grounds.

Unfortunately Annie became an only dog again.  Penny was just getting to much to handle and her and Charlotte are sworn enemies.  Annie is pretty psyched to not get humped every day.
We had a glow in the dark class at Pure Barre.  It was awesome!
Charlotte dressed as a very upset flamingo for Halloween. 
"Kids are coming" still, every night, since the tricker treaters.
Finally! It's a girl!
We love bubbles.  Clearly one of the best pics of all time.  Thank you preschool.
My distraction technique at stores, giving her something to play with and then slipping it back on the shelf, does NOT work any more.  
Our glass table fell over and shattered (thanks Annie) two days before I hosted thanksgiving.
A trip to Ikea and target fixed that.
Potty training is in full force.
Which means we have a nudist in the house.  Usually from waist down bc it's hard to get shirts over that big noggin without adult supervision.
And are now getting ready for Christmas!!!!
There us have it!

1 comment:

  1. No posts since December 5th? Those of us looking for things to read/keep us occupied while nursing in the middle of the night would enjoy some updates... ;-)
