Tuesday, May 26, 2015

How Pure Barre Has Kept Me Sane During Pregnancy

Baby on board? Just keep tucking.  Even when it is absolutely the last thing you want to do. 

A nice picture of me next to the toilet... fitting.

Here I am, 28 weeks pregnant with my second daughter.   My second trimester, (the golden trimester) just ended and the start of the third.  Youre over the extreme fatigue and some of us are over the morning sickness, and you can still take your shoes on and off yourself.  Ive been doing 2 to 4 pure barre classes a week throughout my pregnancy.  I told myself I would continue taking classes as long as I physically able to.  I might be one of those woman who takes a class the day before her delivery, or I might get put on bed rest.  I just dont know. 

Not only are you gaining physical strength from Pure Barre, but the most important aspect, for me, is mental strength.  Many days, I feel nauseous, and it would be so easy for me to lay on the couch, and wallow in my sorrow, but I push myself to come to class.  I do it to escape my brain for that precious hour.  Its the only workout that Ive found where I can enter the classroom, and leave everything at the door. There is so much going on and so much to focus on, that I have no other choice.  Im one of those extremely lucky women to be nauseous throughout my entire pregnancies.  This is round two, which admittedly is not nearly as bad as round one, but equally as draining. As a teacher, there were so many days that I thought I would throw up in the middle of teaching.  Its never happened, and that largely has to do with the amount of mental strength that it takes to teach. 

I also am someone who will always take the harder option.  I always am trying to push myself to improve.  It was really hard for me to accept modifications during class as a part of pregnancy. For me modifications started around 17 weeks, when I just couldnt lay on my stomach any more.  Back extension was the first part I modified. There are many ways to modify class so you can still take throughout your pregnancy.

Warm Up

First and foremost, before I walk in the door, I say, "You is kind, you is smart, you is important" then proceed.  Warm up can be tricky because there is a lot of ab work involved.  I find that if I just hold on to the outside of my thighs, I can keep a contraction in my abdominal and still feel some work with out it being to strenuous.  I also will just rest my head for a moment if I become a little overwhelmed.  During roll ups, you can always keep your feet on the floor and grab on to the outside of your thighs to roll up.  Planking can be done from your knees, both center and side planks.  I try not to take this option.  Planking is so amazing for your entire core, not just the front part of your abdominal wall.  Eventually, gravity will take its pull, and it will become too strenuous for your back, but in the mean time I try to stay on my toes.  This goes the same for push ups. 

Thigh and Seat Work

Pure Barre doesnt have any specific modifications for thigh or seat work.  The obvious one is laying on your stomach with your forehead resting on you hands.  I just do this one from a semi-pushup position stand at the barre.   Foldover can be strenuous on your back, but you can fold your forearms on to the barre, coming to a semi fold over position.  Otherwise, I find that I have to really focus on tucking my hips under at all times, to take the pressure out of my lower back. 

For me this has become really difficult.  I feel like all of my organs and baby and putting pressure on my lungs in this position.  I have to bring my leg about a foot away from my chest, and rarely can do L position.  Thats ok, just keep your foot planted on the floor, and use this moment for a stretch for the back of your leg.  Sometimes, this is too much for me.  Thats when I put both feet on the floor and just press up into the barre and breath. 


I call this section of class, labor practice.  Its all about engaging your core to move your legs.  Mostly that work comes from your lower abdominal wall.  Its also important in this position not to float your feet off the floor.  If all else fails, I find it a good time to do some kegels.  (TMI?)
Knowing how to isolate my abs in this position, I swear to you, is how I pushed my daughter out in just five pushes.   


This part of class is the most difficult.  I now always have to put the ball behind my lower back and hold on to the outside of my thighs throughout.  When we round back on to our back, you can stay holding on, which I generally have to do, plant your feet on the floor, or place the ball behind your head.  The last part of this section is for your lower abs, just do whatever feels comfortable for you.  Thus far, Ive been ok in this section.  But that might change as my pregnancy progresses.  I know some people who just flip over and stretch for this section. 

Back Extension

The modification for this is to life opposite arm and legs on all fours and switch halfway through.  Sometimes, I just stretch during this part as well. 

Back Dancing

During back dancing, I find my lungs feeling way too squished.  Ive tried a few things, lowering my hips, having a wider stance.  But, it never feels quite right to me.  I do as many as I can, take breaks, and try to finish.  But mostly, I use this moment for some me time.  Where I think about how great the class was, and how happy I am that I took class, and how much I feel better. 

Most importantly, its all about how you feel.  Some days are going to be easier than others.  Some days more breaks are going to be taken.  Sometimes you get through and feel like super woman.  Ive never left class regretting that I took, and thats really what keeps me coming back each time. 

I personally am someone who hates being pregnant.  Pure Barre is one of the only things that lets me escape myself for an hour.  Takes me somewhere else, and helps me hold it together.  The workout itself, the music, the other teachers, the other clients it such an amazing environment to be in, especially while pregnant. 

Shit My Toddler Says

The mind of a toddler is amazing, hilarious, and terrifying all at the same time.  I keep meaning to write down what she's saying in a quote book, but I can't find it.  So, it goes here instead.

C: "Do you know what agua is?"
V: "Is it water?"
C: "I loooovvveee Spanish water!"

I walk into her room in the morning, with my hair curled.
C: "Woah, did you get a haircut?"

Andy is upstairs with her about to give her a bath.
C: "Hold on Dada, let me get my cheese!"

V: "It's about time to get you a big girl bed."
C: "I want a pink bed, with pink walls, but one black wall."
V: whispers under my breath, "So, it starts."
C: "I start to DANCE!"

Walks into preschool after being gone for a week:

C: "I don't like cats."
V: "Why?
C: "They stand on top of the refrigerator."

Charlotte got a Doc McStuffins doctor bag for Easter from my parents.
C: "Mama, checkup?"
V: "Ok, what do you see in my ears?"
C: "A book.  I have a diagnosis!"

We're sitting at music class, and the teacher asks for an animal that we can sing a song about.
C: "My Dada is a silly little girl!"

C: "What's Dada drinking?"
V: "A cocktail."
C: "I looooovvvveeee cocktails! I like to shake them!"

C: "You want some soup?"
V: "Sure, what kind did you make?"
C: "Olive soup with cookies."
V: "Sounds great."
C: "WAIT, let me get the sugar!"

C: "Mama, don't go in the bathroom."
V: "Why, what happened?"
C: "I was just in there."
V: "What did you do in there?"
C: "I made some soup, and it's VERY hot.  You could burn yourself!"

Runs to bathroom,
C: "I've got to go tootie tootie!"

V:"Charlotte, where are you from?"
C: "Mexico!"

It's Friday night...
V: "C what are you doing?"
C: "Making bad choices"

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

No Nap Day

Today was a no nap day.  So basically things went down like this:

Things would have better with a nice cold beer, but sadly the gestation of no named baby prevented such a situation.  So, instead, we ordered carry out, and binged ate pizza.  Then I got to hold C and watch the Mickey Mouse Christmas special.  

Hope you had a nap-filled day, or at least a wine down wednesday!