Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Shit My Toddler Says

The mind of a toddler is amazing, hilarious, and terrifying all at the same time.  I keep meaning to write down what she's saying in a quote book, but I can't find it.  So, it goes here instead.

C: "Do you know what agua is?"
V: "Is it water?"
C: "I loooovvveee Spanish water!"

I walk into her room in the morning, with my hair curled.
C: "Woah, did you get a haircut?"

Andy is upstairs with her about to give her a bath.
C: "Hold on Dada, let me get my cheese!"

V: "It's about time to get you a big girl bed."
C: "I want a pink bed, with pink walls, but one black wall."
V: whispers under my breath, "So, it starts."
C: "I start to DANCE!"

Walks into preschool after being gone for a week:

C: "I don't like cats."
V: "Why?
C: "They stand on top of the refrigerator."

Charlotte got a Doc McStuffins doctor bag for Easter from my parents.
C: "Mama, checkup?"
V: "Ok, what do you see in my ears?"
C: "A book.  I have a diagnosis!"

We're sitting at music class, and the teacher asks for an animal that we can sing a song about.
C: "My Dada is a silly little girl!"

C: "What's Dada drinking?"
V: "A cocktail."
C: "I looooovvvveeee cocktails! I like to shake them!"

C: "You want some soup?"
V: "Sure, what kind did you make?"
C: "Olive soup with cookies."
V: "Sounds great."
C: "WAIT, let me get the sugar!"

C: "Mama, don't go in the bathroom."
V: "Why, what happened?"
C: "I was just in there."
V: "What did you do in there?"
C: "I made some soup, and it's VERY hot.  You could burn yourself!"

Runs to bathroom,
C: "I've got to go tootie tootie!"

V:"Charlotte, where are you from?"
C: "Mexico!"

It's Friday night...
V: "C what are you doing?"
C: "Making bad choices"

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